You think crafting is for babies? Not at all! Free your inner child and learn how to use visualization and abstraction to find new approaches to problem solving. With our Thinking with Hands® User Kit you can unleash your creativity and explore your full potential.
Photocredits: Lars Tolle Photography,
Our tool kits are designed to promote creativity in workshops and create a distance to your original thoughts. This enables you to consider the problem from different angles and make space for new ideas. Our hands possess an immediate access to the subconscious and playfully release creativity when dealing with the materials. Working with the tool kit will produce surprising results and make it possible to go outside the envelope.
Photocredits: Lars Tolle Photography,
Thinking with Hands® coach Ivo Haase says:
“The creative coach workshop was a big success. Thanks a lot for your support!”
Photocredits: Lars Tolle Photography,