How do you find the time to travel sketchnote in your irregular and exciting travel schedule? What are the tips and tricks from a world traveler, which you can easily implement? I’ll tell you in this third part of the Travel Sketchnote series.
Travel Sketchnoting in everyday travel:
How to find the right time.
What could be better than discovering new places and cultures? Oh yes, recording the experiences in a travel mySketchbook or your BulletProof journal. But how do you find the time to sketch in your daily travel routine? Here, I share my tips and tricks for finding my creative loopholes as a world traveler.
A beautiful journal as motivation
One of my biggest motivators is a beautiful sketchbook. I can’t do anything without my favorite journal. Currently, I keep my sketchnotes in the Neuland BulletProof journal. It fits in any pocket and feels good in the hand. It also looks stylish and smells really good, like leather. But the most important thing is that I look forward to opening it every day.
Schedule time for your journaling
Just like you schedule travel time, keep a time set aside for your journaling. I recommend writing and drawing in your sketchbook every day. Whether it’s in the morning at breakfast or at night before bed. That’s when you’ll have the least amount of interruptions. On the bus or train you also have the opportunity, even if it can sometimes be a bit bumpy. That’s why I like to use the waiting times at the stations as well as stops. If you travel in a group, you can also go for a coffee or a coconut drink by yourself in between and pursue your artistic adventure in peace. Who knows, you might inspire your fellow travelers to buy their own travel mySketchbooks or BulletProof journals.
Better done than perfect
Say goodbye to the idea that every sketchbook has to be perfect. It’s much more important to capture your moments and impressions with a FineOne Sketch marker. You can always develop them further later on at your leisure. Just keep some space free in your mySketchbook or BulletProof journal. That way, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities to refine your sketches and color them with FineOne Art markers.
Franzis Tipp:
In this context, I find David Allen’s Getting Things Done method exciting. Among other things, it says the following: If you need only 2 minutes for a task like a quick sketchnote, do it right away. Otherwise, you’ll quickly forget what you’ve experienced, so at least your highlights and most important memories are captured.
Always have note app and pad at hand
If you’re in a hurry or don’t feel like getting out your sketchbook, just whip out your note app. There you can write down experiences, funny comments and impressions. Alternatively, I often have a small pad and the Neuland Fine One® Flex in my handbag to quickly make a small drawing or capture an idea. Later, when I have more peace and quiet, I transfer all this directly into my travel journal.
Photos as inspiration and template
If you ever don’t have time or feel like drawing a subject, feel free to photograph it. I often photograph places, landscapes or objects that I want to sketch later. This relaxes me on my travels and allows me to stay fully in the moment. Afterwards, I like to sit down quietly in a coffee shop, get out my Travel Sketchnote Kit with the BulletProof journal and start sketching away. If I haven’t taken any pictures or still need inspiration, I simply Google the place or sight.
Travel sketchnoting is a wonderful way to capture experiences and impressions. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can find time and muse for sketching even in the irregular and exciting daily travel routine. Because there is always enough time for the important things in life. Take at least 2 minutes a day, say goodbye to perfectionism and photograph everything you want to put on paper later. Have fun on your next travel sketchnote adventure.
P.S. Feel free to send us your sketchnotes on Instagram or link us in your story. We’ll be happy to repost them and are already very excited to see your travel sketchnotes.
Franzi and the Neuland-Team.