Let’s take a post card, gift tag, sketchbook, or something else made out of paperlike material and create something wonderful. How? We’ll show you! Continue Reading
We’ve been working on it meticulously but it was worth it. ‘Cause now we are finally able to introduce you to our new Charterobe®. You can’t imagine what that is? That’s probably because it’s one of a kind … Continue Reading
“Back in the days, people knew what’s good” – it’s not a coincidence that you hear this sentence pretty frequently. ‘Cause things that used to be common practice often have their comeback a few centuries later. Just as chalk and everything that goes with it. But what can you actually do with chalk? Continue Reading
Most conferences take place in summer. If you don’t want to miss out on anything, this can be a quite expensive season. For this very reason, you should make the most out of every single conference and soak in all the impressions – make it an unforgettable experience! How? Continue Reading
So… two nibs. Um, so two that are twice as great? Sounds good.
Tired of taking your dishes to graphic facilitation jobs just to draw neat circles? We’ve got the solution!
Nice gear bag, but why is everything wrapped in plastic bags? Neuland Ambassador® Heather Martinez explains how she stores her tools when travelling. And some hacks might even be new to experienced facilitators… Continue Reading