Tag sketchnoting

Neuland at the Visual Thinking Global Summit 2022

The Visual Thinking Global Summit is over and we already miss it! For those of you who couldn’t be there we wanted to share the experience …

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Neuland newbees present: visualization for studying

In school or at university you’re always taking notes, have proper summaries but you still can’t keep the information in your head? Maybe you’re like me and sketchnoting will help you. Continue Reading

Neuland FineOne® – your go-to tool

The Neuland FineOne® is a true allrounder. With its different nibs and the great color range you can use it in almost any situation. And the best thing about it: This marker makes our range 100% refillable and the nibs are exchangeable, too! Continue Reading

Sketchnote Lettering Skills with Mike Rohde

Lettering for sketchnotes … Isn’t that just called “handwriting”? It’s actually much more than that! Continue Reading

Bikablo’s school project

Today, we have some very special guests: the team of bikablo® macht Schule (literally translates as bikablo goes school) is visiting the Neuland headquarters. And since this is a rare occasion, we just couldn’t resist to grill them about their project, particularly if it’s such an interesting topic. In a nutshell, Sandra, Silvia, Christian, Frank and Karl are visiting schools to show teachers and students how to use visualization for teaching and studying. But the experts can explain it way better, so enjoy the interview we prepared for you! 🙂

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Pimp it up – It’s sticker time!

Let’s take a post card, gift tag, sketchbook, or something else made out of paperlike material and create something wonderful. How? We’ll show you! Continue Reading

Chalk, chalk, chalk

“Back in the days, people knew what’s good” – it’s not a coincidence that you hear this sentence pretty frequently. ‘Cause things that used to be common practice often have their comeback a few centuries later. Just as chalk and everything that goes with it. But what can you actually do with chalk? Continue Reading

How to prep for conferences

Most conferences take place in summer. If you don’t want to miss out on anything, this can be a quite expensive season. For this very reason, you should make the most out of every single conference and soak in all the impressions – make it an unforgettable experience! How? Continue Reading

This is a twin-twin situation

So… two nibs. Um, so two that are twice as great? Sounds good.

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Perfect Circles and Hexagons

Tired of taking your dishes to graphic facilitation jobs just to draw neat circles? We’ve got the solution!

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Bullet Journaling – More than just a hobby

„Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future”

Ryder Carroll definitely has her finger on the pulse as she brought the old school journal back to our lives. By putting a new spin on it, she managed to create a cool lifestyle around her method of Bullet Journaling. Continue Reading

TYPO Berlin 2018 – 05/17 – 05/19/2018

Human first!

According to that motto, more than 1.600 people, over 60 speakers on 5 stages in 3 days from all over the world attended the TYPO 2018 in Berlin to inspire each other.
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