Tag Graphic Recording

Goodbye, Cape Town!

In a city with a yawning gap between “rich” and “poor”, Mona visited schools and organizations to show the people in Cape Town what you can achieve through visualization.

On her journey through the city, she organized open street sessions and practiced together with circus performers for the AfricaBurn Festival. In this way, Mona met a diverse range of people, exchanged experiences and visually recorded what their dreams are. And it turns out they are more related than expected. Continue Reading

Drawn to help & Help to Draw – Mona Ebdrup about her visual project in South Africa

In the interview about the project Mona Ebdrup says, “My plan is to spend three months in Cape Town from mid-February to mid-May 2019, visually documenting that people have very similar dreams and visions for the future, even in one of the most inequal societies in the world.”

The idea is to have a 3 months process where the first 8 weeks will be about visual thinking workshops for schools, organisations and corporates. Continue Reading

Two handed drawings & what it is good for – With Jimi Holstebro

Did you know that two handed drawings are really helpful for everybody in the visual family? No? Then you should watch the talk with our Ambassador from Denmark, Jimi Holstebro.

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You are what you wear – and that goes for bags too!

„Clothes make people“ (literally translated) is a novella by the Swiss poet Gottfried Keller.

It’s one of the best-known stories in German-language literature and is about the tailor Wenzel Strapinski, who always dressed well despite his poverty. In a foreign city he’s considered a count because of his appearance … and at the end of the story Strapinski brings it to great prosperity.

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Video postcard from the Neuland® V3 GraphicWall or An unusual journey through Switzerland

With a few markers in the backpack over the Alps, almost anyone can do that. But just do it with a Neuland® GraphicWall V3.

Transport dimensions: W 83 x H 140 cm, Weight: 13 kg. Let’s go. Well, maybe not over it, over the Alps, but at least Tony Johnston, David Andress and Filippo Buzzini have just set up the wall in some especially beautiful places in Switzerland, including graphic recording. Outside in the mountains. Outside in the forest.

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Color Combos, Lettering Styles, AcrylicOne for Graphic Recording – Mini workshops as sources of inspiration

During the EuViz®2018 there were three inspiring mini-workshops from our Ambassadors:

Brandy Agerbeck – Using Color Combos, Heather Martinez – 5 Letteringstyles in 5 Minutes, Renatta P.Algalarrondo – Using AcrylicOnes for Graphic Recording.

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EuViz 2018 or Markers Paradise in Denmark

Hard to believe, EuViz 2018 is over. 180 visual practitioners from all parts of the world gathered to learn from each other and with each other.

In the middle of it a real Neuland shop. Built like a marker kiosk, where you could shop for new materials each day. Some even came by daily just to make sure that no marker request remained open. That’s what we call #Markerliebe

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Sometimes it has to be the “large black dress”!

May we introduce: the “WIDE” one! The GraphicWall V3 is a real star among visualization boards and the perfect basis for the graphic recording job. With its 4 x 8 ft (122 cm high x 245 cm wide) canvas it has been adjusted to international standards.

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Ahoy! Graphic Recorder meeting in Hamburg

Neuland isn’t far away when Germany‘s Graphic Recorders enter the Hamburg harbor!
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Exchange + Learn + Network = Better Facilitating

This is basically the simple formula of the Facilitator Conference that took place at the end of September in Beilngries, Altmühltal. It was organized by Moderatio related to the 30 year company anniversary.
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