Tag acrylic marker

Handmade’s still the most beautiful!

Do you remember your last stroll through town? What do you often see in front of many stores? The typical postcard display stands that show many colorful cards. For every occasion, every city, every sight there are images neatly arranged and printed on glossy postcards. Very nice but “one of many”. It’s so much nicer to send individual, unique cards, lovingly crafted with your own message to your loved ones. Let us show you our ideas! Continue Reading

Color Combos, Lettering Styles, AcrylicOne for Graphic Recording – Mini workshops as sources of inspiration

During the EuViz®2018 there were three inspiring mini-workshops from our Ambassadors:

Brandy Agerbeck – Using Color Combos, Heather Martinez – 5 Letteringstyles in 5 Minutes, Renatta P.Algalarrondo – Using AcrylicOnes for Graphic Recording.

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EuViz 2018 or Markers Paradise in Denmark

Hard to believe, EuViz 2018 is over. 180 visual practitioners from all parts of the world gathered to learn from each other and with each other.

In the middle of it a real Neuland shop. Built like a marker kiosk, where you could shop for new materials each day. Some even came by daily just to make sure that no marker request remained open. That’s what we call #Markerliebe

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Tips & Tricks for the AcrylicOne – Ambassador live session with Renatta P. Algalarrondo

Have you already tried our AcrylicOnes?

Our acrylic markers are still quite new to our range and a bit different from our other markers. Renatta P. Algalarrondo is an Artist and Visual Recorder from Brazil and is specialized in working with AcrylicOnes. Here she gives us tips that make the acrylic marker to your favorite marker.

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Neuland AcrylicOne: Refills made easy

If you need opaque colours for lettering or visualizing, the AcrylicOne from the large Neuland range of markers is the right choice. Naturally, these are also refillable, and hence also the right choice economically as well as ecologically.
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