What’s Easter without an egg hunt? We show you how we paint our eggs.
We actually place the eggs in little Easter baskets, so we won’t empty them but boil them. This also makes it easier to paint them without breaking the fragile shell.
Let’s start!
As some of our shops in Germany are closed right now, we like to use things that we already have at home. In our case, it was the AcrylicOne. First, we painted one side of the eggs, let it dry for a bit and then painted the other side. The egg carton is perfect for letting them dry.
TIP: If you want to, you could also paint the eggs white before adding color. Ours were already white, so we didn’t bother. 🙂
Now it’s your turn. We’re looking forward to your comments – how do you paint your eggs?
You need:
- Eggs in white
- AcrylicOne MEDIUM, item no.: 7754.0554
You would like to order from Austria or Switzerland? No problem! Simply enter the item numbers in the search box of the respective shop and get started.