Diane Bleck has been a Graphic Facilitator for 20 years. She works with big and small companies to bring their ideas to life.

Diane loves colors and loves to work with strong colorful colors.

Here she experimented with RefillOne refill ink to create her own colors and had a lot of fun doing it.

She shared her results on Facebook. A good reason for us to invite her to a live session right away. Here in the video she tells us how she is doing the mixing.
She will also mix some colors live. In a white jacket!

Diane uses in this video the water-based refill ink RefillOne.

A note about mixing with water:

It is possible to mix the inks with lots of water to get a lighter color result. This works very well. But then you should paint these colors with a brush!

Example of water-mixed inks

If you fill these inks into a marker, it will react with a wet tip after a short time. After filling the desired color into the marker tip, it is colorful at the beginning, then the tip will only give off water. No ink, unfortunately! The water-only inks aren’t stable for a longer period and need to be used as soon as possible.

You will find exactly the desired result even after a long time, if you mix the inks with each other!
To lighten your color, you should give the color 102 a try.

Color chart for mutually mixed colors 1: 1

Example of inks mixed with water and other inks, also usable as skin tones

Speaking of Skin Tones: There will soon be something from us. Stay tuned! Pssst! find them here.

In this blog post you will find more tips and ideas for mixing our inks: Cocktails against the winterblues

More Inspiration from Diane you’ll find here

Doodle Institute: https://doodleinstitute.mykajabi.com/

The Doodle Institute on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedoodleinstitute/

Dianes YouTube Channel

Sehr inspirierend auf Instagram.

Buch: “You can Doodle” (Amazon)

What are your favorite colors or mix recipes?