“I scribe from the entire being and not just from what’s between my ears and my hands. So really trying to bring in a more full body experience into the scribing. That’s one thing that inspires me”,

answered Kelvy to my question: “What inspires you?”
Boom, I was thrilled! Even if I know Kelvys book and her model of the 4 Levels of Scribing, seeing Kelvy explaining that, let me forget my text.

Knowing about this model is really valuable for any graphic recorder or graphic facilitator.

“Another”, she continued answering my question, “another is experimenting! I really love playing with color. I really love mixing colors to meet inner impulse or instinct with outer need of expression. Last week, for a program my team ran in Hamburg, even before arriving I was trying to come up with a new palette for the session and wanted to make a certain blue-grey. I mixed it here at home, ordered the inks, mixed it on site, and then found out it looked like the color of the water at the local harbor. We then joked it was “Hamburg blue”.”

But I do not want to reveal too much about the Live-Talk with Kelvy. Be sure to watch the video. It’s full of inspiration.

Download your copy containing a chapter of “Generative Scribing” here: 4 Levels of Scribing

Link to Mary Oliver “Wild Geese”

Here you’ll find Kelvy’s photos about using dry erase ink markers

The marker is great, but just in case you fill it with whiteboard ink, instead of the ‘normal’ RefillOne ink, you’ll get the “Do-not-try-at-home-unless-you’re-willing-to-make-a-mess” marker. Because the ink is much thinner and not really made for this marker. But if you are inspired by experimentation, there is no cure for that.
Here you’ll find your FatOne.

“This color was in my head!”, said Kelvy.

See the dimensions!

The detail that summarizes the work.

The bibliography

Kelvy Bird, Generative Scribing

A quick list of references re: dialogue and generative conversation:
C. Otto Scharmer, The Essentials of Theory U: Core Principles and Application (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2018).
William Isaacs, Dialogue: The Art of Thinking Together (New York: Currency Doubleday, 1999).
David Bohm, On Dialogue, edited by Lee Nichol (London: Routledge, 1996).

More about Kelvy


I’m curious about your learnings from this short session. Do you like to share them here?