In the interview about the project Mona Ebdrup says, “My plan is to spend three months in Cape Town from mid-February to mid-May 2019, visually documenting that people have very similar dreams and visions for the future, even in one of the most inequal societies in the world.”

The idea is to have a 3 months process where the first 8 weeks will be about visual thinking workshops for schools, organisations and corporates.

The last 4 weeks will include a week of live scribings in different public spaces in Cape Towns beautiful nature (mountain tops and beaches) as well as in in the townships with high gang related crime. In those scribings I will ask people in the public spaces for their dreams and hopes for the future. The week after I will head to AfrikaBurn (the Burning Man version on the African continent in the Tankwa Karoo desert) where I also will record visions for the future.

Very inspired by Fillippo’s use of the Graphic Wall in Switzerland, I would love to take the wall to the desert, bring it on top of Lion’s Head, a mountain in the middle of Cape Town, to Hanover Park a township that has one of the highest murder rates and to the beach.”

This project is part of our “Drawn to Help & Help to Draw” initiative by Neuland

Everywhere in the world there should be room for visualization, opportunities for communication and sharing knowledge and experience.

This project in Cape Town is part of our initiative “Drawn to Help & Help to Draw” and we support it with the necessary material. We do that because the power of visualization and the Circus project are going to connect people in South Africa.

Watch the Talk with Mona and Sandra about this project

Mona is collaborating with a social circus group from Hannover Park. They use circus as a method to get young people out of gang circles.

Neuland - HelptoDrawtoHelp-Project South-Africa Mona Ebdrup

Together they will explore how Monas visual practice can be part of the circus experience. They are going to experiment with body work during the scribing and will explore how new connections can be made between the performance and the audience.

Mona in another project with the Social Circus Team in Hanover Park, SA — Photocredits Mona Ebdrup

Neuland - HelptoDrawtoHelp-Project South-Africa Mona Ebdrup

Up until the tour Caileigh, a graphic recorder from South Africa, and Mona are working on offers to the start up communities in South Africa and they will continue working with some schools and organisations that Mona has worked with before. All the efforts in 2019 will build up to the conference in 2020.

Did you know that there is now a campaign on GoFundMe?

Here’s the campaign. On Gofundme you can easily help with a small contribution. It’s easy, learn more here.

Did you know that you can also support the project with your collected air miles?

Contact Mona for further information.

Neuland - HelptoDrawtoHelp-Project South-Africa - Filippo Buzzini

Thank you to Filippo Buzzini from for this graphic.

To support this awesome project, please contact Mona Ebdrup:


phone: +45 53818897
link to circus ActionArte Foundation SA