Let’s all have fun, kids and adults connecting the dots and coloring in these images!

We will need the printed images and a Neuland FineOne® marker to connect the dots, and your favorite assorted Neuland markers to coloring in.

There’s plenty of space around the image so you can draw or write additional elements around it or ask the kids to do it. Maybe we can create a story for the scene? Let’s get creative!

You need:
- Neuland FineOne® Outliner, item no.: 8033.0010
… and your favorite Neuland markers e. g.:
- AcrylicOne FINE, item no.: 7756.0536
- Neuland No.One® Art, item no.: 8059.0805
- Neuland No.One®, item no.: 8047.0600
… and of course connecting the dots images:
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