Unfortunately, we can’t hold our meetings like we’re used to. At the same time, there are more and more online meetings.
But in online meetings the “netiquette” is just as important.
Many of us already work together with people from different countries – why not employ some measures that already proved to be effective when working with analog tools and add some images to our messages.
Particularly as a co-host of online meetings, many of these little cards have turned out to be very helpful and many participants really liked them.
You can send the cards to all participants in advance. They’ll help to express wishes, compliments, or problems. And they support shy participants to contribute something to the conversation.
You can download the full PDF here. As the descriptions are in German, we translated them below. But you’re welcome to assign them a different meaning, too. Have fun!
Hands up, please
Hands down
You’re a great team
Please repeat
Time’s running short
Let’s draw together
Feedback, please
Slow down, please
See chart for info
Turn up the volume of your mic
Turn off your mic, please
Your screen has frozen
I don’t get that
I’ve got an idea