Category Allgemein

Your individual color set

You feel like there’s a special color combo missing in our new range of color sets? Don’t let anybody tell you with which color combinations you have to work and simply create your own set! Continue Reading

Make your Shopping Lists work

Our grandmothers and great grandmothers already appreciated them. As everything the family needed was collected exactly there. Of course we’re talking about the shopping list.

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Analog tools in a digital world

Although online trainings will never be able to replace in-person sessions, it’s a good addition to the world of workshops where analog tools shouldn’t be missing. But don’t underestimate this. You have to know what you’re doing. And this is where Neuland Ambassador® Heather Martinez and Neuland Toolmaster® Sandra Dirks come into play: They are experts in the field and know exactly what’s most important. Continue Reading

Sketchnote Lettering Skills with Mike Rohde

Lettering for sketchnotes … Isn’t that just called “handwriting”? It’s actually much more than that! Continue Reading

Bikablo’s school project

Today, we have some very special guests: the team of bikablo® macht Schule (literally translates as bikablo goes school) is visiting the Neuland headquarters. And since this is a rare occasion, we just couldn’t resist to grill them about their project, particularly if it’s such an interesting topic. In a nutshell, Sandra, Silvia, Christian, Frank and Karl are visiting schools to show teachers and students how to use visualization for teaching and studying. But the experts can explain it way better, so enjoy the interview we prepared for you! 🙂

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Handmade’s still the most beautiful!

Do you remember your last stroll through town? What do you often see in front of many stores? The typical postcard display stands that show many colorful cards. For every occasion, every city, every sight there are images neatly arranged and printed on glossy postcards. Very nice but “one of many”. It’s so much nicer to send individual, unique cards, lovingly crafted with your own message to your loved ones. Let us show you our ideas! Continue Reading

Sustainable gift ideas

And yet again, December is almost here and just as every year we intend to have everything ready before everyone else would storm into the shops. Wait a second … We’ve got some ideas for you! Continue Reading

KIPPIT – smart and simple

Is it a table? Is it a bench? A lectern? How about you decide? ‘Cause our KIPPIT can be both. The beautiful piece of furniture can be transformed easily – only by tilting it. Continue Reading

Pimp it up – It’s sticker time!

Let’s take a post card, gift tag, sketchbook, or something else made out of paperlike material and create something wonderful. How? We’ll show you! Continue Reading

BuJo seminar throwback

… And how did you like Heidrun and Nicole’s Bullet Journaling seminar?

– Well, if it was that easy to put it into words without talking about it for a whole day. Alright, for you, I’ll try. 🙂 Continue Reading

Finally – the Charterobe® is here!

We’ve been working on it meticulously but it was worth it. ‘Cause now we are finally able to introduce you to our new Charterobe®. You can’t imagine what that is? That’s probably because it’s one of a kind … Continue Reading

Drawn to help in Benin

In July, Nicolas Verdot travelled to Benin to familiarize the people living there with visualization techniques. In collaboration with the Institute of Cultural Affairs Benin (ICA), he held a one-week workshop to introduce the participants to the work as facilitator. Nicolas focused the workshop on women’s rights, as this topic lies close to his heart and women in Africa to this day have a completely different status than most of us know it from our home countries. Even sadder that only few women were able to attend. But despite the fact that mainly men participated in Nicolas’ workshop, the participants were able to achieve considerable progress in only a short amount of time. And now, the rookie facilitators are on their mission to create space for communication in Benin and Africa and they are supporting not only women’s rights but also topics like education, water accessibility and many more. Continue Reading

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