Autor Elena Urizar

At the turn of the century, Elena Urizar advocates for the integration of creativity and imagination as a strategic element for personal and business development.
Her career has travelled in search of that. In earlier stages she worked as a graphic designer at the Guggenheim Museum in New York and also as a creative and account manager in various advertising agencies. For more than 10 years, she was responsible of defining and coordinating UX projects at the IT company Indra Sistemas.
Currently she is implementing the value of the combination of experiences as an independent professional of the visual practice.
BA in Fine Arts and MA in Corporate Communication, she also became and expert in Nutrition and Dietetics Planning and took courses in Relational Coaching.

Die visuelle Landkarte der Quarantäne

Da ich als Visualisiererin tätig bin, wurde ich von einem Lifestyle-Magazin gefragt, wie ich mit der Corona-Quarantäne umgehe und ob ich das Ganze visuell darstellen könnte. Link zum Video


Lernen durch Malen [Yoga]

Während meiner Zeit zuhause habe ich mich dazu entschieden, mich etwas mehr auf Yoga zu konzentrieren. Ich habe die meisten Körperhaltungen, die ich lernen möchte, gemalt.

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